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The 12 Days of Copywriting Christmas

Writer: Jen HakenJen Haken

It's almost Christmas 2019, so let's have a bit of fun! Here are my copywriting tips with a seasonal twist. Enjoy!

On the First Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me a Partridge in a Pear Tree, who looks out across the marketplace, gaining Perspective. Always write about your product or service from the customer’s point of view.

On the Second day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Two Turtle Doves, who flew off to find your Target Audience. Once you know who they are, you can write your copy and content in a way that attracts their attention.

On the Third Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Three French Hens. They twittered and clucked around, pecking at seeds of ideas – a few sentences here and there – from your existing content to use in your social media posts.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Four Calling Birds. Such noisy birds! They kept Calling for Attention! Just as your marketing content always needs a Call To Action for your audience to know what to do – email you, order online or whatever.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Five Golden Rings. Think of the rings as the Gold Circle, being the brainchild of Simon Sinek. The circle includes the questions ‘Why’, ‘How’ and ‘What’. “People don’t buy What you do, they buy Why you do it!” Do listen to his TED Talk here.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Six Geese a Laying. These Six Geese are laying their eggs … err, keywords ... naturally throughout your copy or content to enhance your SEO, helping your customers and clients to find you.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Seven Swans a Swimming. Beautiful, aren’t they? Just as your elegantly crafted words in your advertising and marketing activities are enhanced by stunning images.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Eight Maids a Milking. These young maids (or sires!) will help you milk your content for all its worth on every social media milking platform your business uses.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Nine Ladies Dancing. This is what your copy needs to do. Your words need to dance across the page, engaging your audience, mesmerising them, just as if they were watching Swan Lake at the ballet. Or a bit of Hip-Hop. Whatever floats their boat.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Ten Lords a Leaping. These lads will proofread your copy before you publish it, leaping upon any errors you may have missed. Ten Lords may be a bit much – two or three would suffice!

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Eleven Pipers Piping about how terrible it is to plagiarise. Never, ever copy someone else’s content and use it as your own without permission! That’s a copyright infringement and could get you into trouble. Pipe down, Pipers! We’re not doing that.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my Copywriter gave to me Twelve Drummers Drumming about your business. Drum roll, please! Let’s drum out your marketing messages in your web content, blogs and newsletters. Keep on drumming, guys!

I hope this has amused you as well as given some food for thought. (Mmm, mince pies!) If you need any help with your copywriting, maybe my New Year Special Offer of monthly blogs and newsletters will help. Or just drop me a line to discuss your needs. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!



© 2013-25  Jenny Haken

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